Clam Lake Township DDA
8809 E. M-115 - Cadillac, MI 49601
Chairman Mike McGuire called the June 15, 2009 regular meeting for the Downtown Development Authority of Clam Lake Township to order at 8:20 A.M. This meeting was held in the Clam Lake Township Hall. The following board members were in attendance: Mike McGuire, Chairman; Mike Lueder, Vice Chairman; Jim Houston, Treasurer; Jeremy Winkle, Member; Darrell Kelley, Supervisor; Steve Anderson, Member; Steve Kitler, Member; Jerry Koop, Member. The following board members were not in attendance: Julie Snider, Secretary. Public present: none.
The minutes from the May 2009 Clam Lake Township DDA meeting were reviewed, Correction regarding making Mike McGuire an authorized user of DDA bank accounts was made, motion to accept with correction made by Lueder, support by Anderson, motion approved unanimously.
2009-2010 Budget presented by Treasurer Houston at this public hearing. A question by Vice Chairman Lueder was raised as to the amount the DDA captures for fire protection and the amount the DDA pay’s for fire protection? Supervisor Kelley explained that the millage captured is a pass through, meaning the amount collected is the amount paid.
Motion to approve 2009-2010 Budget made by Anderson, support by Koop. Motion to approve budget as presented passed with Lueder the only exception.
Regarding the 2008-2009 budget, a motion to take $1000 from the contingency line item and add to the light maintenance line item was made by Winkle, support by Anderson, motion approved unanimously.
Motion to keep our meeting dates on the 3rd Monday at 8:15AM at the township hall made by Houston, support by Koop, motion approved unanimously.
Bills presented by Treasurer Houston, motion to approve made by Anderson, support by Kitler, motion to approve bills as presented passed unanimously. This month’s bills include payment for three light fixtures. One payment from the insurance company is being processed and McKeown will ensure a claim is filed regarding the 4/4/09 for the two other damaged lights.
Executive Director’s Report
The June Executive Director’s report was reviewed and entered into the record.
Sewer and Water Committee – Chairperson Kitler, members Anderson, Lueder, McGuire
Kitler asked what are our options regarding sewer service? Chairman McGuire appointed
Kitler as chairman of the sewer and water committee, Kitler accepted. McKeown will bring Kitler up to speed on the issues regarding the sewer and water goals. Kitler is to report back next month regarding the options available to the DDA.
Supervisor Kelley informed the board he will write a letter to the city asking for a sewer contract with township residents that is status quo with expiring contract in 2017.
Land Use – Chairperson Lueder, members Anderson, Winkle, Houston
Marketing – Chairperson Snider, members McGuire, Winkle, Koop
McKeown to make contact with chairwoman Snider and determine if she has any projects or ideas for marketing of the DDA.
Beautification - Chairperson Winkle, members Anderson, Snider, Kitler
Chairman Winkle discussed the possibility of a sidewalk/trail that could connect the DDA with other area trails. This project has surfaced in the past and there may be some engineering information available that we should look at again. Objections to the previous sidewalk project are the access issues alongside BR-131, the cost of filling the land was excessive. Member Kitler thought maybe an elevated bridge type structure could overcome those issues. McKeown will look for past information regarding this.
REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES No Special Committees Assigned
Next Meeting Date and Time – The next DDA meeting will be held at 8:15 A.M. on Monday, July 20, 2009 at the Township Hall.
Motion to ADJOURN Meeting made by Kelley, support by Lueder, meeting adjourned at 09:50 a.m.
Mark McKeown,Executive Director
8809 E. M-115 - Cadillac, MI 49601
Chairman Mike McGuire called the June 15, 2009 regular meeting for the Downtown Development Authority of Clam Lake Township to order at 8:20 A.M. This meeting was held in the Clam Lake Township Hall. The following board members were in attendance: Mike McGuire, Chairman; Mike Lueder, Vice Chairman; Jim Houston, Treasurer; Jeremy Winkle, Member; Darrell Kelley, Supervisor; Steve Anderson, Member; Steve Kitler, Member; Jerry Koop, Member. The following board members were not in attendance: Julie Snider, Secretary. Public present: none.
The minutes from the May 2009 Clam Lake Township DDA meeting were reviewed, Correction regarding making Mike McGuire an authorized user of DDA bank accounts was made, motion to accept with correction made by Lueder, support by Anderson, motion approved unanimously.
2009-2010 Budget presented by Treasurer Houston at this public hearing. A question by Vice Chairman Lueder was raised as to the amount the DDA captures for fire protection and the amount the DDA pay’s for fire protection? Supervisor Kelley explained that the millage captured is a pass through, meaning the amount collected is the amount paid.
Motion to approve 2009-2010 Budget made by Anderson, support by Koop. Motion to approve budget as presented passed with Lueder the only exception.
Regarding the 2008-2009 budget, a motion to take $1000 from the contingency line item and add to the light maintenance line item was made by Winkle, support by Anderson, motion approved unanimously.
Motion to keep our meeting dates on the 3rd Monday at 8:15AM at the township hall made by Houston, support by Koop, motion approved unanimously.
Bills presented by Treasurer Houston, motion to approve made by Anderson, support by Kitler, motion to approve bills as presented passed unanimously. This month’s bills include payment for three light fixtures. One payment from the insurance company is being processed and McKeown will ensure a claim is filed regarding the 4/4/09 for the two other damaged lights.
Executive Director’s Report
The June Executive Director’s report was reviewed and entered into the record.
Sewer and Water Committee – Chairperson Kitler, members Anderson, Lueder, McGuire
Kitler asked what are our options regarding sewer service? Chairman McGuire appointed
Kitler as chairman of the sewer and water committee, Kitler accepted. McKeown will bring Kitler up to speed on the issues regarding the sewer and water goals. Kitler is to report back next month regarding the options available to the DDA.
Supervisor Kelley informed the board he will write a letter to the city asking for a sewer contract with township residents that is status quo with expiring contract in 2017.
Land Use – Chairperson Lueder, members Anderson, Winkle, Houston
Marketing – Chairperson Snider, members McGuire, Winkle, Koop
McKeown to make contact with chairwoman Snider and determine if she has any projects or ideas for marketing of the DDA.
Beautification - Chairperson Winkle, members Anderson, Snider, Kitler
Chairman Winkle discussed the possibility of a sidewalk/trail that could connect the DDA with other area trails. This project has surfaced in the past and there may be some engineering information available that we should look at again. Objections to the previous sidewalk project are the access issues alongside BR-131, the cost of filling the land was excessive. Member Kitler thought maybe an elevated bridge type structure could overcome those issues. McKeown will look for past information regarding this.
REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES No Special Committees Assigned
- McKeown to file insurance claim for damaged light fixtures of 4/4/09
- Constant claims against townships insurance is putting the township at risk. McKeown to get an insurance quote on an Inland Marine Policy.
- McKeown to determine if MDOT will be mowing the side of BR131 and Mackinaw Trail, if mowing will not occur often enough an estimate from a contractor should be obtained to determine the feasibility of doing it ourselves.
- McKeown to write a letter to the VA regarding the status of the VA Medical Clinic that was supposed to be located in Cadillac.
- McKeown to record monthly DDA meeting.
Next Meeting Date and Time – The next DDA meeting will be held at 8:15 A.M. on Monday, July 20, 2009 at the Township Hall.
Motion to ADJOURN Meeting made by Kelley, support by Lueder, meeting adjourned at 09:50 a.m.
Mark McKeown,Executive Director