DDA Strategic Plan 2015
A new strategic plan was developed in the fall of 2015 by the DDA board. This document will act as a guiding document for the DDA's activities over the next few years. If you have any questions, please contact DDA Executive Director Cynthia Warda.
Strategic Plan document
Transportation and Infrastructure map
Natural Features map
Existing Land Use map
Current Zoning map
DDA Master Plan Update 2008
This plan creates a vision for the community, lays out expectations, and shows the needs of the Downtown Development Authority.
Master Plan Link
Master Plan Appendix A-1 Property List
Master Plan Appendix A-2 Largest Property Owners
Master Plan Appendix A-4 MDOT Projects
Master Plan Appendix A-6 Grant Programs
Taxable Value and Projected Revenue
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Master Plan Link
Master Plan Appendix A-1 Property List
Master Plan Appendix A-2 Largest Property Owners
Master Plan Appendix A-4 MDOT Projects
Master Plan Appendix A-6 Grant Programs
Taxable Value and Projected Revenue
*Files are in PDF format - Get a free PDF Reader