8809 E. M-115
November 11, 2009
7:00 P.M.
i. Meeting called to order by Supervisor Kelley.
ii. Members present: Houston, Kelley & Peterson. Absent: Mackey and Payne
Others present: 4 residents, Steve Arends
iii. Meeting was opened with the pledge to the American flag and a brief time for public comment.
iv. Minutes for the October regular meeting were approved as presented. All in favor.
v. Motion by Houston, seconded by Peterson, to approved agenda as amended . All in favor.
vi. Unfinished Business
vii. New Business
a. Motion by Houston, seconded by Peterson, to OK the fire works application with Wolverine Fire works with corrected additional insured and updated site plan Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried
b. Motion by Houston, seconded by Kelley, to accept Bulletin #9 regarding changes for the 2010 Poverty Exemption policy. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried
c. Motion by Houston, seconded by Peterson, to allow Mark McKeown to install WiFi internet in hall and not to exceed $200.00 Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried
d. Motion by Houston, seconded by Peterson, to pay bills as presented. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried
e. Motion by Houston to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:15.
Delores Peterson
8809 E. M-115
November 11, 2009
7:00 P.M.
i. Meeting called to order by Supervisor Kelley.
ii. Members present: Houston, Kelley & Peterson. Absent: Mackey and Payne
Others present: 4 residents, Steve Arends
iii. Meeting was opened with the pledge to the American flag and a brief time for public comment.
iv. Minutes for the October regular meeting were approved as presented. All in favor.
v. Motion by Houston, seconded by Peterson, to approved agenda as amended . All in favor.
vi. Unfinished Business
vii. New Business
a. Motion by Houston, seconded by Peterson, to OK the fire works application with Wolverine Fire works with corrected additional insured and updated site plan Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried
b. Motion by Houston, seconded by Kelley, to accept Bulletin #9 regarding changes for the 2010 Poverty Exemption policy. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried
c. Motion by Houston, seconded by Peterson, to allow Mark McKeown to install WiFi internet in hall and not to exceed $200.00 Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried
d. Motion by Houston, seconded by Peterson, to pay bills as presented. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried
e. Motion by Houston to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:15.
Delores Peterson