8809 E. M-115
August 14, 2013
7:00 P.M.
ii. Members present: Rosser, Kitler, Mackey, Payne and Peterson. Members absent: none
Others present: 2 area residents, Molly W. Assessor
iii. The meeting was opened with the pledge to the American flag and to a brief public comment.
iv. Minutes of the July regular meeting were approved as presented. All in favor
v. Minutes of the July special meeting were approved as presented. All in favor.
vi. Motion by Payne, seconded by Mackey, to approve agenda as amended with additions All in favor.
vii. Unfinished business
a. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Payne, to approve Draft #3 of Proposed Mixed-Use Commercial/Residential Planned Unit Development Regulations as presented, All in favor. Carried.
viii. New Business
a. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Payne, to amend Cemetery Ordinance #28 as presented. All in favor. Carried.
b. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Payne, to approve the hiring of a cemetery sexton for Clam Lake Township Cemetery. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
c. Motion by Kitler, seconded by Mackey, to adopt Ordinance #40 of 2013 an Ordinance Regulating the use of Fireworks in Clam Lake Twp. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
d. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Kitler, to rescind Policy # 15. Establishing Guidelines for exemption from property tax contributions and replace it with Resolution # 6 of 2013. All in favor. Carried.
e. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Payne, to change the date of the September regular board meeting to Sept. 18, 2013 instead of Sept. 11, 2013. All in favor. Carried.
f. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Kitler, to purchase the BS& A Cemetery software for the Twp. and have Lesa Wade go for BS&A training. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
g. Motion by Kitler, seconded by Mackey, to spend up to $1,000. 00 for computer for Deputy Clerk and Supervisor.
h. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Kitler, to pay bills as presented. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried
i. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Kitler, to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:45
All in favor. Carried
8809 E. M-115
August 14, 2013
7:00 P.M.
ii. Members present: Rosser, Kitler, Mackey, Payne and Peterson. Members absent: none
Others present: 2 area residents, Molly W. Assessor
iii. The meeting was opened with the pledge to the American flag and to a brief public comment.
iv. Minutes of the July regular meeting were approved as presented. All in favor
v. Minutes of the July special meeting were approved as presented. All in favor.
vi. Motion by Payne, seconded by Mackey, to approve agenda as amended with additions All in favor.
vii. Unfinished business
a. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Payne, to approve Draft #3 of Proposed Mixed-Use Commercial/Residential Planned Unit Development Regulations as presented, All in favor. Carried.
viii. New Business
a. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Payne, to amend Cemetery Ordinance #28 as presented. All in favor. Carried.
b. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Payne, to approve the hiring of a cemetery sexton for Clam Lake Township Cemetery. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
c. Motion by Kitler, seconded by Mackey, to adopt Ordinance #40 of 2013 an Ordinance Regulating the use of Fireworks in Clam Lake Twp. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
d. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Kitler, to rescind Policy # 15. Establishing Guidelines for exemption from property tax contributions and replace it with Resolution # 6 of 2013. All in favor. Carried.
e. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Payne, to change the date of the September regular board meeting to Sept. 18, 2013 instead of Sept. 11, 2013. All in favor. Carried.
f. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Kitler, to purchase the BS& A Cemetery software for the Twp. and have Lesa Wade go for BS&A training. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
g. Motion by Kitler, seconded by Mackey, to spend up to $1,000. 00 for computer for Deputy Clerk and Supervisor.
h. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Kitler, to pay bills as presented. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried
i. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Kitler, to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:45
All in favor. Carried