8809 E. M-115
JUNE 10, 2009
7:00 P.M.
i. Meeting called to order by Supervisor Kelley.
ii. Members present: Payne, Kelley, Mackey, Houston, and Peterson. Members absent: None.
Others present: Jeff Hawk from the City Fire Dept
iii. The meeting was opened with the pledge to the American flag and to a brief public comment.
iv. Minutes of the May meeting were approved as presented. All in favor
v. Motion by Houston, seconded by Payne, to approve agenda as presented All in favor.
vi. Supervisor Kelley declared a recess of the regular meeting at 7:02 and went into a Public
Hearing at 7:02 on the proposed 2009-10 Fiscal Year Fund Budget and the Special
Assessment Lighting Districts. Copies of the budget were available to all.
The property tax millage rate to be levied to support the proposed
budget was the subject of this hearing, and for Mackinaw Trail Lighting Special
Assessment District I and II. Meeting was properly noticed and posted in
compliance with the State of Michigan Open Meetings Act, P.A. 267 of 1976, as amended.
Public hearing was closed at 7:20.
vii. Reports:
Hall up date was presented
Sup. Kelley made note of correspondence that he had received and meetings attended
viii. Unfinished Business
a. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Payne, to adopt the CLT contract with the City of
Cadillac for Fire protection from July 2009- December 2012. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried
ix. New Business
a. Motion by Houston, seconded by Mackey to approve Resolution 1 & 2 of 2009 for Mackinaw Trail Lighting District I & II Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
b. Motion by Houston, seconded by Payne to adopt the Resolution 3 of 2009 for CLT Millage levy Roll call vote. All in favor Carried
c. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Houston, to continue petty cash fund for minor purchases with fund amount of $200.00. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried
d. Motion by Houston, seconded by Mackey, to retain Baird, Cotter, and Bishop as auditors, require the audit be performed at Township Hall and that they give us a bid proposal ahead of time. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
e. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Payne , to set the Board of Review, Deputy Clerk and Deputy Treasurer (in absence of Clerk or Treasurer at a board meeting), minimum call of 2 Hrs. at $30.00 plus $10.00 per Hr. thereafter; $10.00 per Hr. for other services; and $10.00 per Hr. for all other non-contracted workers. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
f. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Houston to keep Township funds in Citizen’s Bank
and Fifth Third Banks, and to make available for investment purposes Chemical Bank, N.W. Savings and Loan, First Bank, WCCU and NWCU. Roll call. All in favor. Carried.
g. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Payne, to pay janitor $12.00/hr. as needed for janitorial work. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
h. Motion by Payne, seconded by Mackey, to set the regular Township Board meeting
for the fiscal year 2009-10 on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the
Township Hall. All in favor. Carried.
i. Motion by Payne, seconded by Houston, to adopt the Fiscal year budget for 2009-2010 . Roll call vote: All in favor. Carried
j. Motion by Payne, seconded by Houston, to take $3,000 from Contingency fund and transfer to the Cemetery fund.
Cont. $34,000. -$3,000 To $31,000
Cem. $8,400 + 3,000 to 11,400
Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
k. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Peterson to pay bills as presented Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
l. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Payne to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:25
Delores Peterson, Clerk
8809 E. M-115
JUNE 10, 2009
7:00 P.M.
i. Meeting called to order by Supervisor Kelley.
ii. Members present: Payne, Kelley, Mackey, Houston, and Peterson. Members absent: None.
Others present: Jeff Hawk from the City Fire Dept
iii. The meeting was opened with the pledge to the American flag and to a brief public comment.
iv. Minutes of the May meeting were approved as presented. All in favor
v. Motion by Houston, seconded by Payne, to approve agenda as presented All in favor.
vi. Supervisor Kelley declared a recess of the regular meeting at 7:02 and went into a Public
Hearing at 7:02 on the proposed 2009-10 Fiscal Year Fund Budget and the Special
Assessment Lighting Districts. Copies of the budget were available to all.
The property tax millage rate to be levied to support the proposed
budget was the subject of this hearing, and for Mackinaw Trail Lighting Special
Assessment District I and II. Meeting was properly noticed and posted in
compliance with the State of Michigan Open Meetings Act, P.A. 267 of 1976, as amended.
Public hearing was closed at 7:20.
vii. Reports:
Hall up date was presented
Sup. Kelley made note of correspondence that he had received and meetings attended
viii. Unfinished Business
a. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Payne, to adopt the CLT contract with the City of
Cadillac for Fire protection from July 2009- December 2012. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried
ix. New Business
a. Motion by Houston, seconded by Mackey to approve Resolution 1 & 2 of 2009 for Mackinaw Trail Lighting District I & II Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
b. Motion by Houston, seconded by Payne to adopt the Resolution 3 of 2009 for CLT Millage levy Roll call vote. All in favor Carried
c. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Houston, to continue petty cash fund for minor purchases with fund amount of $200.00. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried
d. Motion by Houston, seconded by Mackey, to retain Baird, Cotter, and Bishop as auditors, require the audit be performed at Township Hall and that they give us a bid proposal ahead of time. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
e. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Payne , to set the Board of Review, Deputy Clerk and Deputy Treasurer (in absence of Clerk or Treasurer at a board meeting), minimum call of 2 Hrs. at $30.00 plus $10.00 per Hr. thereafter; $10.00 per Hr. for other services; and $10.00 per Hr. for all other non-contracted workers. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
f. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Houston to keep Township funds in Citizen’s Bank
and Fifth Third Banks, and to make available for investment purposes Chemical Bank, N.W. Savings and Loan, First Bank, WCCU and NWCU. Roll call. All in favor. Carried.
g. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Payne, to pay janitor $12.00/hr. as needed for janitorial work. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
h. Motion by Payne, seconded by Mackey, to set the regular Township Board meeting
for the fiscal year 2009-10 on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the
Township Hall. All in favor. Carried.
i. Motion by Payne, seconded by Houston, to adopt the Fiscal year budget for 2009-2010 . Roll call vote: All in favor. Carried
j. Motion by Payne, seconded by Houston, to take $3,000 from Contingency fund and transfer to the Cemetery fund.
Cont. $34,000. -$3,000 To $31,000
Cem. $8,400 + 3,000 to 11,400
Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
k. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Peterson to pay bills as presented Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
l. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Payne to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:25
Delores Peterson, Clerk