JUNE 14, 2012
7:00 P.M.
i. Meeting called to order by Supervisor Rosser.
ii. Members present: Payne, Rosser, Houston and Peterson. Members absent: Mackey
Others present: 7 area residents, Assessor Molly Whetstone, Co. Clerk Elaine Richardson and
Co. Treasurer Jayne Stanton.
iii. The meeting was opened with the pledge to the American flag and to a brief public comment.
iv. Minutes of the May meeting were approved as presented. All in favor
v. Motion by Houston, seconded by Payne to approve agenda as presented All in favor.
vi. Reports
vii. Supervisor Rosser declared a recess of the regular meeting at 7:10 and went into a Public
Hearing at 7:10 on the proposed 2012-13 Fiscal Year Fund Budget and the Special
Assessment Lighting Districts. Copies of the budget were available to all.
The property tax millage rate to be levied to support the proposed
budget was the subject of this hearing, and for Mackinaw Trail Lighting Special
Assessment District I and II. Public hearing closed at 7:15.
viii. Unfinished Business
a. Motion by Payne, seconded by Houston, authorize Supervisor to sign the agreement with the city for fire protection. All in favor. Carried
b. Motion by Payne, seconded by Houston, to adopt the fiscal year budget for 2012-13.
Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried
ix. New Business
a. Motion by Houston, seconded by Payne, to approve Resolution 3 of 2012 for Mackinaw Trail Lighting District I Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
b. Motion by Houston, seconded by Payne, to approve Resolution 4 of 2012 for Mackinaw Trail Lighting District II. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
c. Motion by Houston, seconded by Payne, to adopt the Resolution 5 of 2012 for CLT Millage levy Roll call vote. All in favor Carried
d. Motion by Payne, seconded by Houston, to continue petty cash fund for minor purchases with fund amount of $200.00. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried
e. Motion by Payne, seconded by Houston, to set the Board of Review, Deputy Clerk and Deputy Treasurer (in absence of Clerk or Treasurer at a board meeting), minimum call of 2 Hrs. at $30.00 plus $10.00 per Hr. thereafter; $10.00 per Hr. for other services; and $10.00 per Hr. for all other non-contracted workers. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
f. Motion by Payne, seconded by Houston, to keep Township funds in Citizen’s Bank and Fifth Third Banks, and to make available for investment purposes Chemical Bank, N.W. Savings and Loan, First Bank, WCCU and NWCU. Roll call. All in favor. Carried.
g. Motion by Houston, seconded by Payne, to pay janitor $12.00/hr. as needed for
janitorial work. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
h. Motion by Houston, seconded by Payne, to set the regular Township Board meeting for the fiscal year 2012-13 on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Township Hall. All in favor. Carried
i. Motion by Houston, seconded by Payne to adopt the boundaries adjustment application for land divisions.. All in favor. Carried.
j. Motion by Payne, seconded by Houston, to accept the agreement with Wexford Co. Road Com. For road work for 2012. Roll call vote. Carried.
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Minutes of June meeting
k. Motion by Houston, seconded by Peterson, to create a Commercial Redevelopment District on Mackinaw Trail for 5 properties: McGuire’s Resort, Milan Supply , McDonald Broadcasting, Pioneer Inn, and JD Aten. All in favor. Carried.
l. Motion by Payne, seconded by Houston, to adopt Resolution 6 of 2012 for Fire Millage proposal for the November ballot. This proposal reestablishes the 2 mill fire protection millage that expired 12/31/2011.
Shall the limitation on the amount of ad valorem taxes which may be levied by the Township of Clam Lake, Wexford County, Michigan, against taxable property in the Township be increased by up to two (2) mills ($2.00 per $1,000 of taxable value) for a period of Five (5) years. 2012 through 2016, inclusive, for the purpose of providing funds for fire protection, and shall the Township levy such millage for this purpose? If approved and levied, this millage would raise an estimated $ 160,014 for the Township in 2012.
[ ] yes
[ ] no
Roll call vote. Ayes: Rosser, Houston, Payne & Peterson. No: None. Carried.
x. Motion by Houston, seconded by Rosser to pay bills as presented Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
xi. Motion by Payne, seconded by Houston, to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:25.
Delores Peterson, Clerk
JUNE 14, 2012
7:00 P.M.
i. Meeting called to order by Supervisor Rosser.
ii. Members present: Payne, Rosser, Houston and Peterson. Members absent: Mackey
Others present: 7 area residents, Assessor Molly Whetstone, Co. Clerk Elaine Richardson and
Co. Treasurer Jayne Stanton.
iii. The meeting was opened with the pledge to the American flag and to a brief public comment.
iv. Minutes of the May meeting were approved as presented. All in favor
v. Motion by Houston, seconded by Payne to approve agenda as presented All in favor.
vi. Reports
vii. Supervisor Rosser declared a recess of the regular meeting at 7:10 and went into a Public
Hearing at 7:10 on the proposed 2012-13 Fiscal Year Fund Budget and the Special
Assessment Lighting Districts. Copies of the budget were available to all.
The property tax millage rate to be levied to support the proposed
budget was the subject of this hearing, and for Mackinaw Trail Lighting Special
Assessment District I and II. Public hearing closed at 7:15.
viii. Unfinished Business
a. Motion by Payne, seconded by Houston, authorize Supervisor to sign the agreement with the city for fire protection. All in favor. Carried
b. Motion by Payne, seconded by Houston, to adopt the fiscal year budget for 2012-13.
Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried
ix. New Business
a. Motion by Houston, seconded by Payne, to approve Resolution 3 of 2012 for Mackinaw Trail Lighting District I Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
b. Motion by Houston, seconded by Payne, to approve Resolution 4 of 2012 for Mackinaw Trail Lighting District II. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
c. Motion by Houston, seconded by Payne, to adopt the Resolution 5 of 2012 for CLT Millage levy Roll call vote. All in favor Carried
d. Motion by Payne, seconded by Houston, to continue petty cash fund for minor purchases with fund amount of $200.00. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried
e. Motion by Payne, seconded by Houston, to set the Board of Review, Deputy Clerk and Deputy Treasurer (in absence of Clerk or Treasurer at a board meeting), minimum call of 2 Hrs. at $30.00 plus $10.00 per Hr. thereafter; $10.00 per Hr. for other services; and $10.00 per Hr. for all other non-contracted workers. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
f. Motion by Payne, seconded by Houston, to keep Township funds in Citizen’s Bank and Fifth Third Banks, and to make available for investment purposes Chemical Bank, N.W. Savings and Loan, First Bank, WCCU and NWCU. Roll call. All in favor. Carried.
g. Motion by Houston, seconded by Payne, to pay janitor $12.00/hr. as needed for
janitorial work. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
h. Motion by Houston, seconded by Payne, to set the regular Township Board meeting for the fiscal year 2012-13 on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Township Hall. All in favor. Carried
i. Motion by Houston, seconded by Payne to adopt the boundaries adjustment application for land divisions.. All in favor. Carried.
j. Motion by Payne, seconded by Houston, to accept the agreement with Wexford Co. Road Com. For road work for 2012. Roll call vote. Carried.
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Minutes of June meeting
k. Motion by Houston, seconded by Peterson, to create a Commercial Redevelopment District on Mackinaw Trail for 5 properties: McGuire’s Resort, Milan Supply , McDonald Broadcasting, Pioneer Inn, and JD Aten. All in favor. Carried.
l. Motion by Payne, seconded by Houston, to adopt Resolution 6 of 2012 for Fire Millage proposal for the November ballot. This proposal reestablishes the 2 mill fire protection millage that expired 12/31/2011.
Shall the limitation on the amount of ad valorem taxes which may be levied by the Township of Clam Lake, Wexford County, Michigan, against taxable property in the Township be increased by up to two (2) mills ($2.00 per $1,000 of taxable value) for a period of Five (5) years. 2012 through 2016, inclusive, for the purpose of providing funds for fire protection, and shall the Township levy such millage for this purpose? If approved and levied, this millage would raise an estimated $ 160,014 for the Township in 2012.
[ ] yes
[ ] no
Roll call vote. Ayes: Rosser, Houston, Payne & Peterson. No: None. Carried.
x. Motion by Houston, seconded by Rosser to pay bills as presented Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
xi. Motion by Payne, seconded by Houston, to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:25.
Delores Peterson, Clerk