8809 E. M-115
May 12, 2010
7:00 P.M.
i. Meeting called to order by Sup. Kelley.
ii. Members present: Kelley, Payne, Houston, Mackey & Peterson. Absent: None.
Others present: Mike Mongar City Fire Dept., and other area residents
iii. Meeting was opened with the pledge to the American flag and a brief time for public comment.
iv. Minutes for the April regular meeting was approved as presented. All in favor.
v. Motion by Houston, seconded by Payne, to approve agenda as presented All in favor.
vi. Unfinished Business
a. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Payne to eliminate the E& O coverage in item 10 in the contract with Assessor Bruce Brown. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried
b. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Houston, to update the Assessors BS & A software to .Net program at a cost of $3800.00 to be split for 2 years interest free. Roll call vote.
All in favor. Carried.
New Business
a. Motion by Houston, seconded by Mackey, to pay bills as presented. Roll call vote.
All in favor. Carried.
b. Motion by Payne, seconded by Houston, to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:55
Delores Peterson, Clerk
8809 E. M-115
May 12, 2010
7:00 P.M.
i. Meeting called to order by Sup. Kelley.
ii. Members present: Kelley, Payne, Houston, Mackey & Peterson. Absent: None.
Others present: Mike Mongar City Fire Dept., and other area residents
iii. Meeting was opened with the pledge to the American flag and a brief time for public comment.
iv. Minutes for the April regular meeting was approved as presented. All in favor.
v. Motion by Houston, seconded by Payne, to approve agenda as presented All in favor.
vi. Unfinished Business
a. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Payne to eliminate the E& O coverage in item 10 in the contract with Assessor Bruce Brown. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried
b. Motion by Mackey, seconded by Houston, to update the Assessors BS & A software to .Net program at a cost of $3800.00 to be split for 2 years interest free. Roll call vote.
All in favor. Carried.
New Business
a. Motion by Houston, seconded by Mackey, to pay bills as presented. Roll call vote.
All in favor. Carried.
b. Motion by Payne, seconded by Houston, to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:55
Delores Peterson, Clerk