8809 E. M-115
September 8, 2010
7:00 P.M.
i. Meeting called to order by Supervisor Kelley.
ii. Members present: Payne, Kelley, Houston, Mackey and Peterson. Members absent: None
Others present: 20 area residents.
iii. The meeting was opened with the pledge to the American flag and to a brief public comment.
iv. Minutes of the August regular meeting was approved as amended with the correction that
Dave Mackey was not present at the Aug. meeting. All in favor.
v. The special meetings minutes were approved as presented. All in favor
vi. Motion by Houston, seconded by Mackey, to approve agenda as amended . All in favor.
vi. Reports
vii. Unfinished business
. a. Supervisor Kelley declared a recess of the regular meeting at 7:20 and went into a Public Hearing at 7:20 on the proposed Special Assessment for Stone Ledge Lake property owners.Meeting was properly noticed and posted incompliance with the State of Michigan Open Meetings Act, P.A. 267 of 1976, as amended. Public hearing was closed at 7:45.
b. Motion by Houston, seconded by Payne, to adopt Resolution 8 of 2010 Resolution to Receive petition to Create Special Assessment District and to schedule Public Hearing on Assessment Roll. Roll call vote. All in favor. Carried.
viii. New Business
a. Rick Wilson was present from Heritage Co. to answer any questions regarding the wind turbines that are being put in Missaukee Co and may come into CLT.
b. Supervisor Kelley welcomed Dale Rosser to the board as Deputy Supervisor.
ix. Motion by Houston, seconded by Mackey to pay bills as presented. Roll call vote.
All in favor Carried.
x. Motion by Payne seconded by Mackey to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:30.
Delores Peterson, Clerk